Statement by Thomas Heine-Geldern, Executive President of ACN International:
“We are shocked by the news from the Holy Land. Once again, in this so holy place, hatred and darkness have erupted. Jerusalem, a city that is sacred to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike, is once more filled with violence and mourning. So much blood has been spilt, so many hopes buried, so many lives shattered. The coming hours and days will show whether a ceasefire will hold.
Especially now, at Pentecost, we cry out: Come, Holy Spirit! We call on all our benefactors to respond to the appeal of our Holy Father Pope Francis, and the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa, and to pray during this festive season for peace and justice in the Holy Land.

May the Holy Spirit enlighten and guide all decision-makers, in Israel and the Palestinian Territories and throughout the world, and help them find a way to overcome the division and hatred.
The Holy Spirit is the “Paraclete” promised by Christ: the Comforter and Advocate. Let us pray to him for the consolation of all those in the Holy Land who have lost a loved one. May the Holy Spirit comfort and sustain all the people of this land. “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! May they be secure who love you! Peace be within your walls
and security within your towers!” (Psalm 122:6-7)