Construction and reconstruction of church facilities

Supporting the local Church is the key task of Aid to the Church in Need. This also includes measures such as the construction, reconstruction or maintenance of church buildings. We also finance vehicles for priests, sisters and catechists so that they can reach the faithful even in the most isolated areas. Wherever believers are victims of displacement, violence and persecution, we provide emergency relief to alleviate the worst sufering.

Especially in crisis areas, churches and ecclesiastical institutions are ofen destroyed by violence. We support reconstruction in these areas, as the Church is the centre of the life of faith and a sign of hope.

Faith and a good organisation together can move mountains.

Philipp Ozores, Secretary General
St. Ephraim Syrian Orthodox cathedral after the earthquake
St. Ephraim Syrian Orthodox cathedral after the earthquake

Where the Church is growing, for example in Africa, Asia and Latin America, help is ofen needed to build up a new infrastructure. Therefore, Aid to the Church in Need provides assistance for the construction and reconstruction of churches, monasteries, pastoral centres and mission stations, thereby safeguarding and promoting the pastoral work of the Catholic Church worldwide. We know from 77 years of experience: in slums, even the smallest chapel can ofer people a spiritual home.

969 such buildings were constructed or repaired with our help in 2023 alone.

Facts and figures