Plagued for months by gangs that plunder, kidnap and terrorise the population, Haiti continues to fight every day...
Plagued for months by gangs that plunder, kidnap and terrorise the population, Haiti continues to fight every day...
Bishop Tesfaselassie Medhin tells the international pontifical foundation ACN about the terrible human rights violations that occurred during...
Bishop Tesfaselassie Medhin tells the international pontifical foundation ACN about the terrible human rights violations that occurred during...
In a joint statement, the Venezuelan Bishops Conference highlights the crucial role of the people in defining the country’s future...
In a joint statement, the Venezuelan Bishops Conference highlights the crucial role of the people in defining the country’s future...
Plagued for months by gangs that plunder, kidnap and terrorise the population, Haiti continues to fight every day...
Bishop Tesfaselassie Medhin tells the international pontifical foundation ACN about the terrible human rights violations that occurred during...
In a joint statement, the Venezuelan Bishops Conference highlights the crucial role of the people in defining the country’s future...
Thanks your steady faith, hope and charity, you have made a difference in the lives of many people in Ukraine.
Aid to the Church in Need International is dedicating this year’s Lent campaign to the situation faced by Christians in Nigeria.
These are decisive times for Christianity in the Middle East: faced with war, economic collapse and lack of prospects, many Christians see emigration as the only possible solution.