Mass stipends

In many regions, the faith-ful are so poor that they cannot support their priests. Even the bishops ofen lack the financial means to provide their priests with a regular wage. In these areas, Mass stipends are ofen their only means of existential help. Mass stipends are monetary donations connected with the request to celebrate Holy Mass for the deceased and the sick or other concerns of the benefactors.

In 2023, a total of 1,744,410 Holy Masses were celebrated in the intentions of our benefactors. In this way, we were able to support a total of 40,767 priests – on average, about every tenth priest – worldwide

The distribution of the Mass stipends reflects the conditions of poverty on the continents. In the reporting year, 37,3% of the Mass stipends went to Africa, 32,1% to Asia and the Near and Middle East, 16,6% to Latin America and 14% to Central and Eastern Europe.

For some priests, Mass stipends are the only source of income.

In the Diocese of Ouahigouya, Burkina Faso
In the Diocese of Ouahigouya, Burkina Faso

By focusing Mass prayers on deceased or sick relatives, on people who are experiencing life crises or on certain issues our donors may be facing, they take part in the Eucharistic celebration in a very special way. With this kind of donation, many of our benefactors recognise the profound spiritual purpose of uniting their charity with Church prayers.

As a basic principle, 100% of the Mass stipends are forwarded to the intended recipients. On average, a Holy Mass is held every 18 seconds for the intentions of ACN benefactors somewhere in the world.

Facts and figures