Our organisational structure

Mauro Cardinal Piacenza President

Regina Lynch
Executive President

Philipp Ozores Secretary General

Guido Gröning Director of Finance and Administration
In the General Council, the presidents of the 23 National Sections advise the foundation and vote on all the significant decisions of the Supervisory Board.
In cooperation with the Ecclesiastical Assistants of the National Sections, the International Ecclesiastical Assistant is responsible for the spiritual life of the foundation.
The General Secretariat in Königstein/Ts. centrally manages the entire funding activities and the financial, technical and administrative needs of the foundation. It supports the National Sections in providing media material and produces press and social media content and sound and video productions.
The 23 National Sections inform the benefactors and the public on the situation and needs of suffering Christians. They initiate prayer campaigns, acquire new donors and are responsible for the foundation’s relations with its benefactors.

Father Anton Lässer, CP
Intl. Ecclesiastical Assistant

Marco Mencaglia
Director of Projects

Mark von Riedemann
Director for Public Affairs and Religious Freedom