
Who we are

Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is a pastoral Charity of the Catholic Church, which was founded in 1947 and was in 2011 elevated by Pope Benedict XVI to the status of Pontifical Foundation. The core mission of ACN is to support and promote the Church, wherever Christians are oppressed, persecuted or in pastoral need. It sustains the formation of seminarians, priests and religious, the rebuilding of churches and their buildings, the translation and distribution of the Bible and spiritual literature, and the promotion of the Word of God through Christian media.

ACN has its International Headquarters in Königstein im Taunus, Germany and furthermore 23 National Offices in Europe, North, Central and South America, Asia and Australia. At the International Headquarters our employees receive and examine every year more than ten thousand aid applications from all over the world. Based on almost seventy years of experience, they allocate the donations, keep in touch with the project partners and monitor the use of the donations. The National Offices are primarily responsible for media and public relations and for contact with donors.

Why you should work with us

Do you feel called to a meaningful career, a fulfilling and worthwhile activity for which you would enjoy coming into the office every morning? A mission in your life, in which your personal commitment and valuable work can directly support Christians and help to change their lives? One to which your Catholic faith is central and through which you can live this faith in your professional life? Then you are the person we are looking for!

What else you will receive

We offer an appropriate salary in accordance with the pay scale tariffs of the German Caritas Association (AVR), plus the usual social benefits relating to Church-based charities in Germany, Christmas bonuses and holiday pay, with flexible working hours and opportunities for professional training.

In addition, we offer a wide range of spiritual services such as participation in a retreat lasting several days and the daily celebration of Holy Mass.

What we do at ACN International

At our International Seat more than 70 employees work with our project partners from all over the world and examine almost 10,000 aid applications per year; prepare and follow through the international communication strategy and cultivate a close contact with our 23 National Offices. Based on almost seventy years of experience, they allocate the donations, keep in touch with the project partners from more than 140 countries and monitor the use of the donations.

Which our guidelines are

“For the love of Christ urges us on.” (2 Cor 5,14) 

  1. We are faithful to the Holy Father
  2. We serve the cause of evangelization
  3. We are committed to the persecuted Church
  4. We are custodians of our benefactors’ generosity


What we stand for:

Where our national offices are located:

ACN Worldwide

Contact us:

ACN International

Postfach 1209
61452 Königstein/Ts.

Markus Wagner

Head of Human Resources

Phone: +49 (0) 6174 29 10

Our job offers

Commercial publishing employee / Administration (part-time)

System-Administrator (full time)

Accountant / Personnel Assistant (full-time)