“Go out into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to all creation,” Jesus said. Aid to the Church in Need takes this assignment literally. For instance, since 1979, our organisation has been the publisher and global supplier of the Child’s Bible, which has been translated into 194 languages and has already been distributed 51.7 million times.
Often in poor countries, the Child’s Bible is the first book that children receive in their own language; frequently, it is the only picture book that the little ones can get hold of in their entire lives.
For some needy children, the Child’s Bible is the only picture book that they can get hold of.
Fr Anton Lässer, CP, Ecclesiastical Assistant of ACN International

In 2023 alone, 700,000 religious books were produced and distributed with the help of ACN. In addition, Aid to the Church in Need promotes YOUCAT, the illustrated Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church, which is available in 59 languages. Since 2016, DOCAT, a modern translation of the social teachings and doctrine of the Catholic Church, has also been published.