How to request help
ACN supports projects undertaken by the local Church – bishops, priests, religious communities and lay people – which have the specific aim of providing pastoral and spiritual support to Catholics all over the world. ACN only helps projects that have been approved by the local bishop (in the case of diocesan and parish projects) or religious superior (if the project is fully internal to the religious congregation).
As a charity dedicated specifically to the welfare of the Catholic Church itself, ACN’s funding strategy is pastoral and religious in nature, i.e. faith-related.
Typical projects supported include:
- Formation of priests and religious
- Training of catechists and lay pastoral workers
- Means of transport for pastoral work
- Construction or renovation aid for churches and related pastoral buildings
- Media apostolate
- Bibles, catechisms and basic religious literature
- Pastoral programmes for specific target groups
- Existence aid for religious sisters
- Mass stipends for priests

We do not engage in the equally important humanitarian socio-charitable field that is the proper domain of many other Catholic charities and NGOs.
Please save yourself and us unnecessary expenses: do not submit applications that are outside the scope of our work, such as:
- Humanitarian and socio-economic development
- Building schools and hospitals
- Private living, medical and schooling expenses
- Salaries
- Open-ended subsidies or recurrent costs
- Endowment funds
- Projects already completed
- Repaying debts
- Purchase of land