The people in the “land of a thousand volcanoes” have always lived with the risk that the earth could open up or erupt at any moment. This also applies in a figurative sense to the political and social situation in Nicaragua, which has led to a tense atmosphere between the government and the Church for years. ACN supports the Nicaraguan Church in numerous projects, allowing it to navigate through these difficult times.
Nicaragua is going through a difficult period of political and social tensions that have escalated to the point of violent confrontations. The Church in Nicaragua has taken on the role of mediator in order to promote reconciliation in the country. In this context, there have been repeated conflicts between the government and the Catholic Church in recent years. Representatives of the Archdiocese of Managua, for example, raised their voices against the systematic violation of political and constitutional rights, as well as against the persecution of opponents of the authoritarian government. In the November elections, President Daniel Ortega was re-elected. Church representatives continue to complain of threats against the Catholic Church, insults to its priests and bishops, visa and residence restrictions on foreign priests, as well as harassment and intimidation attempts.

The Church plays an important social role in Nicaragua as a peace mediator.
Moreover, Nicaragua is one of the poorest countries in Latin America. Often it is only the Church that stands up for the poorest people. ACN’s courageous commitment to the socially marginalised and vulnerable gives many renewed hope for improved circumstances.
ACN is aware of the social role the Church plays in Nicaragua alongside its pastoral mission and continues to support it, for example, in the training of priests. The seminaries do not currently have any recruitment problems, but providing for young candidates for the priesthood is a major challenge. In addition, ACN provides construction and vehicle assistance and supports the priests through Mass stipends.