The YOUCAT Foundation is a subsidiary of ACN. YOUCAT provides a broad portfolio of media that contributes to the re-evangelisation and deepening of faith among young Catholics. The ofer ranges from catechism editions and attractively designed Bible editions to digital ofers, including teaching materials, apps and social media channels.

So far, 59 translations of YOUCAT, the Catholic Church’s youth catechism, have been published, with a further 20 in the pipeline. A total of 6.5 million books from the YOUCAT series have now been sold.

2023 was another eventful year for YOUCAT. In early August, for instance, the YOUCAT Foundation took part in World Youth Day in Lisbon, where it successfully promoted the “YOUCAT Missionary Network”. Over 1,000 missionaries and catechists from all over the world have now joined forces in this network.

I entrust you with the YOUCAT for Kids. Never grow tired of asking questions and talking about your faith.

Pope Francis

There is also news from the YOUCAT media programme. September 2023 saw the publication of “Dialogical Catechesis – An Innovative Concept for Practice”, which to date has only been available in German and is now to be produced in 12 other languages. In addition, the new publication “YOUCAT Love Forever” is due to be published this year. The book deals with the sacrament of marriage and, in the usual question-and-answer style, handles all the important aspects of personality, love, relationships and marriage.

Facts and figures