Our task areas

Regardless of whether we are providing subsistence aid for priests and religious, Mass stipends, training of seminarians, emergency relief aid during war and natural catastrophes or publicity work for the propagation of the faith, Aid to the Church in Need’s task areas are as diverse as they are urgent. We lend assistance and fund activities where Christians are persecuted and the Church suffers hardships.

Church in Need – our name says it all

Over the 77 years since its foundation, Aid to the Church in Need has developed into an aid organisation with a broad range of tasks. Today we can rightly claim: our name is our mission. We now support some 5,600 church projects each year in 138 countries – many of these over the long term. In this way, we frequently remain in crisis areas much longer than other aid organisations.

Of course, this requires not only personnel and logistical resources, but also the necessary financial means. Only through the donations of over 359,900 benefactors throughout the world are we able to fulfil and successfully drive our mission of providing pastoral assistance.
