Success Story in Democratic Republic of the Congo

Two mopeds and eight bicycles for the work of the pastoral team in the parish of St Augustine in Poko

In the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in the parish of St Augustine, in Poko, the two priests are delighted to have a moped each, and the catechists are equally pleased to have eight bicycles between them. Thanks to the generosity of our benefactors, who have given 9,600 Euros, they now no longer have to spend hours walking to reach their destination.

Also sharing in the general rejoicing are the ordinary Catholic faithful, who indeed stand to benefit most from these gifts. For now the priests and the catechists can much more easily reach even the remoter villages, and so the people can receive the sacrament more frequently, receive instruction in their faith and participate more fully in the life of the Church.

Needless to say, this parish is situated in a predominantly rural area. The people here struggle to support themselves on what they are able to grow in the fields. Sadly, the armed conflict in the region has only made their poverty worse and has devastated the local infrastructure. Roads, bridges, medical centres, parish centres – everything has been destroyed or damaged. But what the people here need more than anything else is spiritual help and support. Hence these simple items, funded by our benefactors, have brought untold spiritual blessings to the Catholic faithful of the area. Their heartfelt thanks to you all!

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