For the past 30 years this little red book has conquered the world. The ACN „Child‘s Bible“, God speaks to his children has now been published in almost 51 million copies and around 190 different world languages. Father Werenfried, the founder of ACN, well understood that „Children need something like a Child‘s Bible, so that the image of Christ can become a living one in their hearts. And they will also be gripped by the Old Testament stories of Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses and David. Yet for so many children in the Third World the Bible is something they can only dream of, for they are so poor that they cannot afford a book.“ And so he decided to make a gift of a Child‘s Bible to children throughout the world.
Even today, for some of the less widely spoken languages, the ACN Child‘s Bible is still the only printed book available.
Now the Jesuit Fathers working in the diocese of San Cristobal de las Casas in southern Mexico have translated this little book into the indigenous Tseltal language, which is spoken by around half a million people in this region. For most of them Spanish is their first foreign language – if they can even speak it at all, that is.
Thanks to our generous benefactors, we have been able to give 18,000 Euros to enable 30,000 Child‘s Bibles to be printed in the Tseltal language. So thanks to your help, the children in this region can now get to know the Word of God in their own mother tongue. This is an incalculable treasure for them. Many, many thanks to all who have helped!