Mexico: training of seminarians at the Redemptoris Mater seminary

Help for the training of eight seminarians at the „Redemptoris Mater“ seminary in Mexico City    

For years now, Catholic priests in Mexico have faced great dangers. There is no other country in the world in which the number of murdered priest is as high as it is in this Central American country. On top of this, in 2020 the country also faced the coronavirus pandemic, which has hit Mexico exceptionally hard, claiming numerous victims even among Church personnel. In fact, by the beginning of 2021 no fewer than five bishops and over 150 priests had died of Covid-19, while 20 bishops had caught the virus.

ACN supports seminaries regularly, but during the pandemic this help is more vital than ever
ACN supports seminaries regularly, but during the pandemic this help is more vital than ever

During the pandemic ACN has been helping priests and religious with basic support, as a matter of priority, and to enable them to carry out their ministry of service even in these still more difficult circumstances. We are also prioritising support for the training of priests, which has likewise been made still more difficult as a result of the pandemic but which is at the same time vital to the future of the Church. So it is that in Mexico City, for example, we are supporting the eight seminarians at the archdiocesan „Redemptoris Mater“ missionary seminary, with a grant of 2400 Euros so that they can continue their training. ACN supports this seminary regularly every year, but during the pandemic this help is more vital than ever.

The „Redemptoris Mater“ seminaries were established in many countries by Pope Saint John Paul II. Their charism is both missionary and international, and the priests who train there are ready to go wherever in the world they are asked to go, in the service of the Gospel and at the request of their own bishop.

The future priests of the seminary have already thanked ACN in advance for the promised aid
The future priests of the seminary have already thanked ACN in advance for the promised aid

The future priests of the seminary have already thanked ACN in advance for the promised aid, in a letter addressed to our benefactors. They write: „During this health crisis, caused by Covid-19, we have not ceased to pray for all mankind and especially for ACN and our benefactors. These are difficult times, but the difficulties allow us to share in the cross of Christ. Our seminary, and our priests who have been able to train thanks to the help from ACN, have not allowed themselves to be daunted by the health crisis. We continue to minister to our brothers and sisters, with all the necessary security measures, both via the digital media and, wherever possible, also in person. May Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Star of Evangelization, reward our benefactors for their generosity!“

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