Messages of project partners regarding Corona Virus

SRI LANKA (27.03): Benedictines Monks
 “I thought of sending this email to you just to find out how you are and your loved ones at home? It’s a terrible situation all around the world. Here in Sri Lanka we have about 108 corona patients. Just as the whole world, we in Sri Lana are also locked down. This brief note is to let you know that we, the monks in Sri Lanka, are praying for the whole world every day from 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm before the Blessed Sacrament. And I should let you know that as we pray for the whole world, we have not forgotten you the ACN International; you and your loved ones are also remembered in a special way. We pray that the Good Lord may protect you, your loved ones from this pandemic as we believe in a God who is good. Be assured of our spiritual closeness to you at this time of disturbance.”

Saint Cyprien Major Seminary in Kikwit.
Saint Cyprien Major Seminary in Kikwit.

Democratic Republic of Congo (30.03.): ​Saint Cyprien Major Seminary in Kikwit

“Dear Benefactors, The situation our world is experiencing nowadays, because of the coronavirus pandemic, concerns us all. I would like, beyond all that each of us lives personally, to come hereby to assure you of our proximity as well as of the prayers from our whole community – the Saint Cyprian Grand Seminary of Kikwit – during this period of hard trial for everyone. Meditating on the readings of the fifth Sunday of Lent, we realize that they open up the prospects for the “resurrection”. With the coronavirus pandemic, the Gospel of Lazarus rising from the tomb is more than revealing of our victory over death and everything that leads to death. The dialogue between Martha and Jesus invites us to take a leap of faith and hope. In situations of despair, Martha invites us to confess Jesus as Son of God and to believe in Him today in the distress that our world and many families are going through. Like Martha, may we become these “mediators” who intercede for our brothers and sisters, for our world, saying to the Lord: “The one you love is sick”. It is also in this way, praying for each other, that we can activate our surge of solidarity and hope. Reassuring you once more of our prayers, I wish you great courage and hope in God who never forsakes his faithful ones.

  1. NDAKA Sb. (Rector)

[Message original in FRENCH]


CHAD (30.03): Father Donatien

“To my benefactors: I come here to address my heartfelt compassion to all the authorities around the world, to those of your country, to the doctors and nursing staff, to you my benefactors. The world today is plunged into a health crisis which spares no one. So, after having prayed for you and with you, I write to you to show my compassion with you. I painfully share your sufferings and since I have no power to stop this evil, I ask Almighty God to relieve you, to heal and to stop this pandemic of Covid-19 and to reward all those who sacrifice themselves for the healing of others. God heard the cry of the Israelite people, He asked Moses to liberate this people, let Him go through men to save us. God brought Moses a snake to heal all those who are victims of snakebite, may He listen to our prayers and save us. May God bless you and bless your every effort to relieve the world.”

[Message original in FRENCH]


BURUNDI (30.03): Soeurs Franciscaines de Notre Dame del Monte

“In this period that we are going through, fear has inhabited us for months, doenst matter where we are; this epidemic of “coronavirus” affects several countries. Our thoughts go pecially towards to the European countries, more particularly affected. It’s a really sad time with the closed churches, the rallies and activities interrupted, all these people who die … I wanted to greet you and ask you if you have been spared. As for us, for the moment, we are keen to carry in prayer those countries that are suffering. May the Lord help them. May He protect you in this ordeal.

Good Lent.

Sr Maria Goretti

[Message original in FRENCH]

Bishop Thomas Paulsamy, Dindigul.
Bishop Thomas Paulsamy, Dindigul.

INDIA (31.03): Bishop Thomas Paulsamy, Dindigul
“Dear Friends in Aid to the Church in Need,
As all of us know and experience the Novel COVID-19 Corona Virus is wreaking havoc all over the world. Dear Friends in Jesus Christ, you are all in the grip of the pandemic situation.  At this moment, kindly take care. As the experts are saying that self-quarantine is the best way to prevent this deadly virus. I hope that everybody agrees upon it. I am concerned about your situation at this critical moment. Every one of you is special to us. You are all partaking in the universal mission of the Mother Church. I hope and pray that these words of mine would definitely encourage you more and ensure our accompaniment in spirit. Every day I say a special prayer and recite Rosary for you all, for your Collaborators, family who are equally concerned, and all the people who are facing this hard time.

At present, the COVID-19 outbreaks in our region vigorously. As per Indian Government order, we have quarantined ourselves. A big country like ours is terrified to face the situation. Self- quarantine is the best way to prevent.  At this situation, I join you in praying for the victims of COVID-19, which is spreading far and wide with maximum velocity. May God alone be our refuge and our fortress. Let us unite in prayer and help each other through spiritual support.”

The Parish of Immaculate Heart of Maria Kikudo-Soyo.
The Parish of Immaculate Heart of Maria Kikudo-Soyo.

ANGOLA (31.03): Parish of Kikudo-Soyo, Angola

“Peace and good! This occasion allows us, as a parish, to join with the many pains and tears of the victims of the new Coronavirus Covid-19 from around the world. Among the fatal victims of this disease, many, perhaps, were the benefactors of our organizations. The Parish of Immaculate Heart of Maria Kikudo-Soyo, assures its humble prayers for the dead souls, victims of Covid-19 all over the world. Peace to their souls.

To us still alive that the pandemic put in the valley of suffering and tears, I ask Jesus, son of Mary, in the guides and protect us. That not even sun, rain, wind or snow from Covid-19 make us lose hope for a better future and that only by a little faith will countries grow again and bear the most beautiful fruits of charity and love.

United in prayer with my priestly blessing,

Father André Justino

[Message original in Portuguese]

Sister Jacinta Nwaohiri, Congretation Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena in Gusaum, Nigeria.
Sister Jacinta Nwaohiri, Congretation Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena in Gusaum, Nigeria.

NIGERIA (01.04): Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, Gusau

“Our world is certainly going through one of her most challenging times, it’s been hard on people globally but we continue to place our hope and trust in our ever loving God.  We here have been praying for you all in ACN and your Associates/Donors. We thought we should check on you and send you our prayerful greetings. We continue look up to God to mercifully bring an end to this horror.  Kindly extend our prayerful wishes to you Colleagues in ACN.”

United in prayers,
Sr. Jacinta, OP


PAKISTAN (01.04.): Holy Family Sisters Delegation

“First of all please accept my deepest condolences at a time of sadness and anxiety the world is facing right now.  The novel corona virus, COVID-19, is casting a shadow around the world, including the whole Europe.  I send my deepest condolences to those who have lost loved ones, and my best wishes to all who have been affected. Please be sure we the sisters of Holy Family Delegation Pakistan are in prayers for the whole world that God of Mercy takes away pandemic around the world.
Thank you very much for accepting our appeal for the vehicle to be used at formation house and for the pastoral work at Okara. God be with you and bless you all!”
Sr. Densila

St Augustine University of Tanzania, Mwanza.
St Augustine University of Tanzania, Mwanza.

TANZANIA: St Augustine University of Tanzania, Mwanza

“I hope you are ok and doing well in this hard time. I am also fine and doing well.  I am writing to you my dear friends to sympathize with you in this unbelievable hard times, which has been caused by corona virus. The whole world is shaking, but hoping God will soon intervene and bring us back to the normal peaceful situation. In East Africa we have already closed all educational institutions and in other countries like Uganda and Ruanda, even the churches have been closed. We are very silent staying in our  homes; fearing each other. As Priests, the only solution we are praying for and  looking forward is God’s intervention, to enlighten the minds of the medical scientists to discover the real medicine for Corona virus. I continue to pray for you and your families.”


R.D.CONGO: Abbé Gheni Molo Jean-Pierre de Butembo-Beni

“I take this opportunity to simply let you know that I am at heart with you at this very difficult moment caused above all by the pandemic of coronavirus which sweeps away almost all human lives. May Jesus, the physician of physicians, inspire some of our people to find a panacea for this scourge. Union of prayer and courage”
[Message original in FRENCH]


At the moment, when our world is living in a state of confusion facing the coronavirus pandemic, which is spreading so much pain all over, our community of Social Sisters is united in prayer before God, presenting to Him all the suffering and the pain of His people. In the face of the insecurity, uncertainty, and fear that affects everyone, the Lord wants to be the support of our lives. Let us cling tightly to God in whom we can find strength, comfort, and hope even amid the darkest moments. Our prayer is for all of you. May the Holy Spirit, who dwells in us, encourage us, sustain us, and make the absolute trust in God’s mercy grow in each one of us. United in Love”, Sr. Berglis, from Cuba

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