Help for the life and apostolate of 212 religious sisters in Bolivia and Peru

This year the „Little Sisters of the Helpless Elderly“ (Hermanitas de los Ancianos Desamparados) are celebrating the 145th anniversary of their foundation. Ever since 1873 they have been caring for the poor, the lonely and the helpless elderly. Their congregation, founded in Spain, can today be proud of the fact that they have over 200 houses spread across 20 countries and four continents. Most of their convents are in Central and South America, but the sisters also have homes in the Philippines, Mozambique and in Europe.


Help for the life and apostolate of 212 religious sisters in Bolivia and Peru
Help for the life and apostolate of 212 religious sisters in Bolivia and Peru


In Peru and Bolivia they currently have no fewer than 212 religious sisters caring for over 2,100 elderly people who would otherwise have no one to care for them. In Peru they have 11 convents and a retreat house; in Bolivia they have five houses. Above all in the big cities the traditional family structures tend to fall apart, with the result that many old people rapidly find themselves alone and helpless. They not only need help to wash and feed themselves, but they also need human affection and support in their spiritual and mental needs. The sisters seek to care for the whole person, to „care for the body in order to save the soul“, as their foundress, Saint Teresa Jornet used to say.


Help for the life and apostolate of 212 religious sisters in Bolivia and Peru
Help for the life and apostolate of 212 religious sisters in Bolivia and Peru


We have been helping the communities in Peru and Bolivia each year, ever since 1994, and we intend to continue helping them again this year – with a contribution of 4600 Euros for their basic support.

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