Ecuador, ACN provides subsistence aid for 66 sisters

16 million people live in this small country on the Pacific coast. 85 % of Ecuadorians are Catholics. A large part of the population suffers from poverty and earns a living only from informal work. Only 18% of the economically active population is covered by Social Security, which means that most of the population is deprived of all preventive and curative health services.

The situation of the Church in the diocese of Riobamba:
The Diocese of Riobamba has a population of 500,000. 61% of them live in rural areas with a high percentage (67%) of indigenous people. There are 54 priests in 56 parishes. For many years, the local Church has developed a work of evangelization and human and social promotion among the 2 cultures present in its diocese: the natives and the mestizos. This project supports all the religious sisters of the diocese. There are a total of 66 sisters belonging to 19 congregations (some contemplative, others active). Each congregation exercises its mission according to its charism in close collaboration with the diocesan church. The role of the sisters is fundamental. They work of the sisters in this extensive diocese, which spreads throughout the countryside, villages and cities, consists in supporting the work of the priests, in evangelization and in ‘human and social promotion’. They serve through pastoral activities, as well as in education and assisting the poor. On April 30th, we received the testimony of Margarita Durán Granizo, responsible for the finances in the diocese of Riobamba.

The mobility restrictions in our Province are large and very strict. They started on March 17th 2020 and have increased. The risk of contagion is very high. Our sisters are spread throughout the province and most of them are over 60 years old. They are therefore part of the most vulnerable group and must be very careful to avoid contagion; however, they are doing their work together with the people, according to the dispositions of the authorities. » For example, we received several pictures showing sisters from the congregation « Familia de Corte Jesu » working in San Antonio de Cebadas Parish, visiting families and bringing the Holy communion. On April 30th, we received the testimony of Margarita Durán Granizo, responsible for the finances in the diocese of Riobamba. The mobility restrictions in our Province are large and very strict. They started on March 17th 2020 and have increased. The risk of contagion is very high. Our sisters are
spread throughout the province and most of them are over 60 years old. They are therefore part of the most vulnerable group and must be very careful to avoid contagion; however, they are doing their work together with the people, according to the dispositions of the authorities. » For example, we received several pictures showing sisters from the congregation « Familia de Corte Jesu » working in San Antonio de Cebadas Parish, visiting families and bringing the Holy communion. We also received a video from the « Hermanas Doroteas » working in the Parish « Our Lady of
Peace »

« As Jesus accompanied the disciples of Emmaus, we accompany the inhabitants of our village in these difficult times of the Covid 19 pandemic. We are very grateful for the support provided by
ACN which allows us to help our people. We continue our work of evangelization thanks to the retransmission of the mass, adoration, the rosary and also with virtual catechism. We help needy
people who knock on our door and provide them with food parcels. We continue home visits to pray and help the sick and the elderly. We remain united in prayer with you »

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