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For those with faith, life is a love story. For faith is the “wonderful way of realising love in life...
India_ACN supports the Daughters of the Cross recovering from COVID-19
ACN supports the medical care for the Sisters of the congregation of the Daughters of the Cross affected by COVID-19...
acn_india_Church leaders urge government to protect Christians against attacks triggered by anti-conversion campaign
With major Hindu nationalist networks announcing plans to launch a campaign against religious conversions—especially in the tribal areas of India—Catholic...
acn_india_Brothers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
“Did not our hearts burn within us as he talked to us on the road and explained the Scriptures to...
India_Suffering And Consolation In The Time Of Covid 19
India is currently under a total lockdown as a result of COVID-19. Millions of low-paid migrant workers have suddenly found...
India: “We are not going to give up the fight for equality, justice and fraternity”
“The circumstances are difficult for the Christians in our diocese – we often come up against restrictions in the practice...