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“CHRISTIANS SUFFERED 305 INCIDENTS OF VIOLENCE in the past nine months this year,” said a fact-finding report released Oct. 21...
acn news_india_Radical Hindus accuse two nuns of illegal conversions in India
A NEW REPORT titled “Christians Under Attack in India”, records 300 anti-Christian incidents so far in 2021...
acn news_India_Anti-conversion law foments anti-Christian violence
A report entitled “Christians Under Attack in India,” compiled by various Christian NGOs, records 300 anti-Christian incidents so far in 2021...
ACN_India_indian priest charged
Father George Mangalapilly, an Indian priest, was recently acquitted of an alleged crime of “forcible religious conversion”. He was attacked, together with 32 seminarians...
The charity approves an overall aid package of over 5 million Euros to help Catholic communities in India cope with...
The mission station of the Piarist Fathers in Kamda, in the state of Jharkhand in northeast India, is surrounded by...