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The Catholic sub-parish of Saint Joseph in Mathotho is an outstation of Nkhate parish. The village is situated in the...
The mission station of the Piarist Fathers in Kamda, in the state of Jharkhand in northeast India, is surrounded by...
In his apostolic letter Redemptoris Custos Pope Saint John Paul II discusses the“important task”of“raising”Jesus, that is,“feeding, clothing and educating him...
For almost 30 years now, initially at the request of the then Holy Father, now Pope Saint John Paul II,...
The district is known as Milagro – “Miracle” – and this is where the area known as Cien Camas –...
madagascar_internet projects_Help for the presbytery in Saint Josephs parish
After Indonesia, Madagascar is the largest island nation in the world. The Catholic Church here is still a missionary Church. ...