Brazil, a car for the „Mar a Dentro“ Catholic lay community

The Catholic lay community „Mar a Dentro“ („Out to Sea/Out into the Deep“) has been active for 15 years now in the city of Belem in northern Brazil. They have established a spiritual centre here and organised prayer meetings and Eucharistic adoration, as well as preparing young people for Confirmation and young couples for marriage. The community also offers various educational opportunities and psychological counselling, as well as caring for those in need, especially the children.

However, here in the Amazon region these young lay missionaries, men and women, and their volunteer helpers, don‘t confine themselves only to the big city. Faithful to the words that Jesus spoke to Peter: „Put out into the deep“ (Lk 5:4) – from which the community incidentally takes its name – they also minister to the people living in the rainforest on the river banks and on the islands in the rivers. Many of these villages are accessible only by water and that is why, some years ago, thanks to our kind benefactors, we were able to help them with a boat for their pastoral work.

Brazil, a car for the „Mar a Dentro“ Catholic lay community.
Brazil, a car for the „Mar a Dentro“ Catholic lay community.

But their community also needed a car to transport materials and for its many charitable projects and pastoral programmes, both in the city itself and in the other towns and villages that are accessible by road. The roads are poor and the journeys are often long.

So now, and thanks once again to the help of our generous benefactors, we were able to contribute 19,600 Euros and the community has bought a vehicle suited to its needs. Everyone is delighted, and these lay missionaries send their heartfelt thanks – both for themselves and on behalf of those they serve.

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