Belarus: Help for the training of 25 seminarians in Grodno

For many years now ACN has been helping the diocese of Grodno for the formation of the seminarians in its diocesan seminary. During the current academic year there are 25 young men studying there. Eight of them are new entrants to the seminary. Despite the coronavirus pandemic and the political unrest in the country following the presidential elections of August 2020, the seminarians and the academic staff have begun the new academic year „with optimism“ to quote the words of the rector, Vitaly Vojtekhovskyj.

Belarus: Help for the training of 25 seminarians in Grodno.
Belarus: Help for the training of 25 seminarians in Grodno.

Nonetheless, the training of these seminarians is still a great challenge. „Their time in the seminary is extremely important for these future priests. Their formation is a spiritual process, yet it nevertheless has to be assured materially“, the rector explains. It is impossible to support this formation from the Sunday collections of the faithful alone. And so, once again this year, the rector is asking for our support. At the same time he has asked our prayers for Belarus during these „far from easy times“. In return, he and his seminarians have promised to pray regularly for all those benefactors who have supported the seminary in the past or will do so in the future.

We have promised him 20,000 Euros, so that these 25 young men can continue to pursue their vocation.

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