Success Story: Help to complete the new church in Cizatrice, in Slovakia

The parish of Kecerovce lies within the archdiocese of Kosice in the eastern part of Slovakia, not far from the Hungarian border. It also serves seven outlying villages, each with its own church. Thanks to the generosity of our benefactors, we have already been able to help for the renovation of two of these churches, with 15,000 Euros for the church in Herl’any and 10,000 for the church in Bolianov. Your aid has given new enthusiasm and motivation to the parishioners to work still harder to bring new life to their parish, their priest assures us.

Renovation of the parish church in Zbince, in Slovakia

Also part of the parish is the village of Cizatrice, which has around 100 practising Catholics but no church of their own. At present they are able to have use of the Greek-Catholic (Byzantine-rite) church, but this is not a practicable solution in the long term. The Latin-rite community needs its own church, where Holy Mass can be celebrated and catechetical instruction given. They have made every effort, holding numerous collections in the parish and raising funds for a new church, which is now nearing completion. But at the same time the community has run out of funds. They still need to fit the doors and windows before they can complete the project. Thanks again to our generous benefactors, we were able to give them 15,000 Euros. Now Archbishop Bernard Bober of Kosice has written to thank us. „Every day I include you in my prayers and remember all our benefactors in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. May God reward you!“

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