“Pray the Rosary and there will be peace”

This year, ACN once again invites all children across the world to take part in the “One million children praying the Rosary” campaign for peace and unity in the world.

On 18 October 2024, the international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is once again organising the “One million children praying the Rosary” campaign which every year calls upon thousands of children from all over the world to pray with other children for peace. This year’s motto places at the centre of the campaign the request of Mary in Fatima: “Pray the Rosary and there will be peace.”

The charity, with an eye on the many crisis zones and flashpoints in the world, would like to recall the words of the visionary Lucia from Fatima: “In these times in which we live, the Blessed Virgin has given the Rosary a new efficacy. There is therefore not a single problem, no matter how serious…that we cannot solve through praying the Rosary.” Through this year’s campaign ACN would also like to take part in the “Symphony of Prayers” which Pope Francis called for on the occasion of the 2024 Year of Prayer, and which should serve to prepare the way for the 2025 Jubilee Year.

“Apply strength and imagination, so that in as many places as possible prayer meetings can take place,” write Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, President of ACN, and Fr Anton Lässer, International Ecclesiastical Assistant of the charity, in their common invitation to take part in the initiative. “Go to children’s groups, schools, prayer groups, radio and television, digital platforms, social media…and win over your own children and grandchildren for the prayer of the Rosary. Perhaps a children’s prayer group can come out of this prayer meeting.”

Indeed, the fact that last year’s milestone of a million children praying for peace and unity was surpassed was seen by them as confirmation of the words of Pope Benedict in 2008: “The prayer of the Rosary is not some pious practice which belongs to the past…Rather, the Rosary is experiencing a kind of new spring. That is doubtless one of the most eloquent signs of love, which the young generation brings to Jesus and his mother Mary.”

On the ACN website there is free material available for the prayer in parishes, schools, children’s groups and families. The prayer kit includes an introduction to the prayer of the Rosary, reflections for children on the sorrowful mysteries of the Rosary – as this year 18 October falls on a Friday – and a children’s consecration to the Mother of God. Along with colouring pictures it can be downloaded in more than 15 languages using the following link: millionchildrenpraying.org

The prayer initiative “One million children praying the Rosary” was born in 2005 in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela. While several children were praying the Rosary at a wayside shrine, some of the adults who were observing the scene immediately thought of the promise of Padre Pio: “When a million children pray the Rosary, the world will change.” The prayer campaign quickly spread across the whole world.


By Sina Hartert.

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