Facts and figures

In 2023, we were able to support 5,573 projects worldwide.

In 2023, we received 7,689 applications for aid from all over the world. Thanks to the generosity of our benefactors, we collected donations of 143.7 million euros. By adding reserves of 0.8 million euros from previous years we have been able to fund activities amounting to 144.5 million euros. As can be seen in the diagram, by far the largest share of our expenditure was devoted to mission-related expenses, i.e. concrete project work, information and prayer activities.

Detailed use of funds
Mission-related expenditure
Donor relations and fundraising
Mission-related expenditures
Project work
Information, proclamation of faith and advocacy for discriminated and persecuted Christians

As always, the proportion of necessary expenditures for administration and fundraising was comparatively low, so that as many funds as possible could reach local Christians. In 2023, we supported a total of 5,573 projects in 138 countries with approximately 100.8 million euros. 16.6 million euros were used for proclamation of the faith, information work and advocacy for disadvantaged and persecuted Christians worldwide. At 33.6 million euros, or 23.3% of our revenues, bequests made up a significant part of our support for the Church in 2023. Together with our brothers and sisters in need, we therefore not only thank our living benefactors, but also gratefully remember those who support us beyond death.

Offices in 23
More than 359,920
Project partners in 138
donors worldwide
euros in donations and other income
projects supported worldwide
per cent of the funds used are allocated to mission-related expenses

All financial figures are audited by the independent auditing firm PwC.

*Valid as of 2023

Our focal points in the 2023 reporting year.

In 2023, we further amplified our aid for the formation of priests, religious and the laity, which has always been one of our priorities, to 26.7%, and thus to more than a quarter of our total aid.

At 26.8%, projects for the construction, reconstruction or renovation of churches and church buildings also accounted for more than a quarter of our funding.

By providing Mass stipends for priests and subsistence aid for religious sisters, we were once again able to help secure their livelihoods in 2023. A total of 21.6% of our funding was earmarked for these projects.

In addition, we are active in acute crises with emergency aid measures for the sufering population. In 2023, such emergency aid in areas where Christians are threatened by violence and displacement accounted for 10.8% of our total aid.

Aid granted by type of help
Construction and reconstruction
Mass stipends
Emergency assistance
Training of priests and religious
Faith formation of laity
Means of transport for pastoral care

Distribution of Bibles, religious books and media

Subsistence help for religious