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The Auxiliary Bishop of Lviv (Lemberg), Bishop Edward Kawa, has described the drone attacks on the west Ukrainian city of...
ukraine war
A bishop from western Ukraine explains his struggle to help the 400,000 war-scarred people who have flooded into his region...
kidnapped priests Ukraine
Mgr. Ryabukha asked all benefactors and friends to pray for the release of the kidnapped priests in Ukraine: Father Ivan and Father Bohdan...
A priest helping in Ukraine
A Basilian priest gives his testimony while helping Catholics in Kherson, Ukraine....
Ukraine war freedom
Magda, ACN Head of projects in Ukraine explains the needs of the Ukrainian people and how the Catholic Church is helping them...
war Ukraine help
ACN’s total aid to Ukraine in these first 12 months of war amounts to over 9.5 million euros, divided into 292 projects...