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ACN’s Syria campaign: After 6000 rosaries, the Pope also blessed a Marian icon
On the same day that the 6000 rosaries blessed earlier, on 15 August, by the Pope were distributed in the...
In Aleppo, Syria, a teenager drew on his faith to make it through the darkest days of the civil war
Piter Essa, 17, graduated from High School in Aleppo, Syria, this spring. Piter, who is Syriac Orthodox, recounts to Aid...
Syria: a mother, her son killed in the war, finds strength in her faith: ‘our roots must be planted in God’
Yolla Ghandour, a Syrian-Armenian Catholic and mother of three, lives in Aleppo. She saw some of the worst fighting of...
Summer camps in Syria – “She felt her heart had begun to beat again”
In the course of 2019 the international Catholic pastoral charity and pontifical foundation Aid to the Church in Need (ACN...
Education is the key to peaceful coexistence among those of conflicting beliefs
“In principio erat Verbum – in the beginning was the Word; at the origin of everything is the creative reason...
Syria – a vocation marked by the resurrection
I’m born anew after eight years! The story of Fadi Almost 8 years after the outbreak of a devastating...