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Thousands of faithful signed a petition addressed to Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith, asking that he open a cause for the beatification...
Holy mass at the St. Sebastian's Church three months since a suicide bomber in Negombo, Sri Lanka
The whole Sri Lankan Catholic community wishes to see the truth about these attacks, because the harm done to the community has been very profound....
Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith says the Church waits for answers as the victims continue to carry the scars of the Easter...
Sri Lanka
Easter Sunday morning 2019 will for ever remain a day of frightful memory. On that day a series of suicide...
Sri Lanka: Psychological and pastoral aid for victims of the attacks
ACN supports Church trauma programmes The international pontifical foundation Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is supporting the Catholic...
Sri Lanka: The terror attacks have hurt people of all faiths
Many Buddhists on the island also admire the Catholics for their peaceful, non-violent reaction "The people here are good,...