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Philippines: Hundreds march in Solidarity for Bishops amidst Sedition Complaint
On July 31, the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan organized a Mass and a candle-lighting ceremony to express solidarity for the faithful...
Philippines: Courage and faith celebrated as cathedral re-opens
The reopening of a bomb-blasted cathedral in the Philippines, six months on from terror attacks which killed 20 people, has...
Philippines: “The faith is what constitutes the Church, not the circumstances!”
Safe and secure in God among the ruins of Islamist destruction  Father Teresito Soganub was held hostage by Islamist extremists...
Extremists try to create confusion and interreligious tension in the Philippines
On 27 January 2019, two bombs exploded inside the Jolo cathedral in the Sulu archipelago,  situated between the islands of...
Philippines:  The Church in Jolo fighting the “forces of evil”
Jolo, Sulu - A small city in military lockdown, an all-out war in the adjacent municipality against violent extremists, families...
Filipino Church calls for prayer and solidarity following bomb attack
AN urgent appeal for prayers for the victims of yesterday’s terrorist attack on a cathedral in the Philippines has been...