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Pakistani Archbishop raises alarm of kidnapping and forced conversions of under-age Christian girls
A surge in under-age Christian and Hindu girls in Pakistan being kidnapped, raped and forced to marry and convert to...
In Pakistan, education holds the key for Christian advancement in society
BISHOP SAMSON SHUKARDIN, OFM, heads the Diocese of Hyderabad, one of Pakistan’s seven dioceses. It is home to 60,000 Christians,...
Pakistan: Human traffickers prey on Christian girls drawn by false promises
In Pakistan, arranged marriage is a common practice. Human trafficking groups regularly take advantage of the custom to pose as...
In Pakistan, a Catholic widow cries out for justice in wake of husband’s murder
Lubna Safdar is a young Catholic widow in Sarghoda, in the Punjab province of Pakistan. She is the mother of...
Christians in Pakistan living between hope and fear
The Catholic Church in Pakistan is important for the country, says Reinhard Backes. He recently visited Pakistan for the fourth...
Pakistan: Help to complete a church in Issanagri
Issanagri is one of the villages within the parish of the Assumption, based in the village of Chak 7, in...