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The Catholic pastoral charity and pontifical foundation ACN International has learned with dismay of the abduction of four young seminarians...
A VIDEO released by ISIS West African Province (ISWAP) the day after Christmas showed the apparent beheading on Christmas Day...
Ten Years of Boko Haram terrorism in Nigeria
“The Greatest Asset of the Church is the Faith of the People”  It is exactly ten years since the inception...
Boko Haram strikes back in Cameroon - Amputee women, the new tactic of terror
On the night of July 29, members of the terrorist group Boko Haram attacked the town of Gagalari [not Kalagari...
Reflections from the May-June 2019 "Fulani-Kona conflict" by Ignatius A. Kaigama (Apostolic Administrator of Jos and Coadjutor Archbishop of Abuja Archdiocese)
A Fulani herdsman and a Jukun Kona farmer at Yawai Abbare in Jalingo Local Government of Taraba State were said to...
Fulani conflict in Nigeria: “The agressor could easily become a victim"
In Nigeria, biased and prejudiced official security reports is a major problem that heightens tension as victims end up being...