Church in Czech Republic follows Pope’s appeal to “go into the streets”

Catholics in different countries are putting into practice Pope Francis’s wish for the “Church to go into the streets,” which he expressed in a visit to his homeland, Argentine, in July 2013. That is what happened in the Czech Republic a year ago, when the Church in Prague went out onto the streets – led by their Cardinal Archbishop Dominik Duka.

Although Prague is an ancient European city of culture, a century of communism and atheism has driven the Church first of all underground and then to the margins of society. Now the Catholics want to show the city the life of the Church and the experience of Christ’s presence, and “break down the prejudices about the Church and Faith”. Thanks to your help, they have succeeded. For a week the churches were thrown open, Masses were celebrated and prayers were said with the young people in the streets. Posters on the buses and trains proclaimed the joy of God’s presence. Cardinal Duka sends you his heartfelt thanks. And he recalls that “we have all received a variety of gifts and graces from God, yet none of us has been given a grace of indifference or aloofness.” For sure, the benefactors of ACN are the living proof of this.

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