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Niger Surprise And Joy With A New Video Of A Priest Abducted In 2018
Father Walter Maccalli expresses his “surprise” and “joy” for the video showing his brother, Father Pier Luigi Maccalli, who was...
Dear Friends, On Ash Wednesday this year, as we were all preparing to begin the Lenten season, none of us...
The Catholic pastoral charity and pontifical foundation ACN International has learned with dismay of the abduction of four young seminarians...
ACN informs the Holy Father about the Nineveh Reconstruction Project
Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) updated His Holiness Pope Francis personally about the charity’s ongoing reconstruction efforts...
ACN informs the Holy Father about the Nineveh Reconstruction Project
Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) updated His Holiness Pope Francis personally about the charity’s ongoing reconstruction efforts...