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Father Javed Khurshid, the parish priest, is still a young priest. He was ordained 12 years ago and serves today...
1. How did the newspaper come into possession of the letter? We do not know. The letter is from 2010....
Königstein im Taunus, 10.02.2021   ACN International Executive President Dr Thomas Heine-Geldern explains:   "ACN is dismayed by the serious...
acn_myanmar_building peace and justice
Date: 3rd February 2021   My dear Friends, I write these lines as a spiritual leader, empathizing with...
These words, addressed to ACN’s benefactors, come from Father Renato Chiera, an Italian priest who has spent 42 years in...
acn_Mali_Fr Macalli is free
El paradero de la religiosa colombiana Gloria Narváez sigue siendo incierto  El sacerdote italiano Pier Luigi Maccalli, de la Sociedad...