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"Bishop Romero was a student of Paul VI. It is significant that they are being canonised together," says Cardinal Rosa Chávez
In order to properly understand the miraculous significance of the canonisation of the Blessed Paul VI and the Blessed Bishop...
The eleven of Marmarita: young volunteers coordinate aid for 2,000 families displaced by the war in Syria
Several of the volunteers are themselves displaced persons, but do not hesitate to help others: “What motivates us is Jesus”...
“We want and we need peace. Please pray for us!”, an appeal from Syria by Archbishop Jean-Abdo Arbach
The Melkite Catholic Archbishop of Homs, Mons. Jean-Arbach, has issued a message tinged with weariness and sadness at the current...
The 300 Christians of Krak des Chevaliers, a World Heritage Site
Father George Maamary, parish priest of the church of the Assumption, which is close to the fortress, is asking our...
Homs needs new hope
MORE help is urgently needed to encourage Christians to stay in Syria, according to a leading archbishop who has said...
Homs needs new hope
MORE help is urgently needed to encourage Christians to stay in Syria, according to a leading archbishop who has said...