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IRAQ: “Many still hold a hope to return to their homes”
Christian IDPs in the Erbil region depend on assistance while hoping to return to their villages in the next months. ...
Cardinal Baltazar Porras: “The room to manoeuvre freely is getting smaller and smaller. At the moment, everything here is one-dimensional.”
The pontifical foundation Aid to the Church in Need is taking part in the prayer day for peace in Venezuela...
On the plains of Nineveh, where the priests have to double as master builders
Father Georges Jahola of the Syriac Catholic Church and Father Salar Boudagh of the Chaldean Catholic Church are in charge...
Catholic priest stabbed in Mexico Cathedral – Father Miguel Ángel Machorro in critical condition
ACN.-  Father Miguel Ángel Machorro, who was stabbed yesterday evening, 15 May, at the main altar in Mexico’s Metropolitan cathedral,...
Is the Nigeria government complicit in the supply of arms to Islamists?  Bishop accuses authorities of inaction in face of “wave of terror”
Surrey/Königstein, 03.05.2017. A Bishop has accused the authorities in Nigeria of suspected supply of arms to an Islamist terrorist network...
Nepal: the tiny Catholic community unsettled and fearful after the unexpected attack on the Cathedral of the Assumption
Königstein/Kathmandu, 28.04.2017 .- On 18 April a deliberate arson attack caused some damage to the rectory attached to the church...