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ACN-sponsored summer camps for children and young people
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]More than 20 being supported this year, mainly in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Thanks to the support...
Madagascar: Help for the training of 69 future priests
The Archdiocese of Antsiranana in the extreme north of the island of Madagascar has an area of 37,924 km² –...
“I only want to be healed so that I can become a priest.”
By Eva-Maria Kolmann Day after day, little Jean-Thierry made ice from twenty litres of lemon juice to sell on the...
Many of these villages do not have any hope without the Church
Marco Mencaglia, the head of the Haitian section of the pontifical foundation Aid to the Church in Need, travelled to...
Success story – help for the training of 111 Orthodox seminarians in Belgorod, Russia
The historic meeting between Pope Francis and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill in Cuba was an occasion of great...