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War in Ukraine, bombings
“People stand around and keep talking when the shelling is far away, and when the shells are heard closer, they scatter.”...
Parish in Madagascar
“Hope is essential. When one falls into despair, one loses the energy to do something to change the situation, especially when one is suffering.”...
Monument in Cienfuegos, Cuba
“We want freedom, we want life, we want to live, and not only to survive”...
Nigerian priest
I stood there in shock, wondering what was going on, when someone ran to me, yelling: “Father, unknown gunmen!”...
Seminarians in Nigeria praying
We have 38 already in the mortuary and we are still trying to account for the names of those who are in the hospital...
Catholic Church in Latin America
What is happening in the “continent of faith”? Read about some of the challenges the Church is facing in Latin America...