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Ivory Coast: “Religion can bring about reconciliation”
The Ivory Coast, officially Republic of Côte d´Ivoire, is a country in transition: after years of civil war, the people...
North Korea: where Hollywood movies are being watched secretly
Thanks to two historic encounters in recent months, North Korea has become headline news in the media recently. The first...
“Cattle, as important as they are, cannot be valued over human beings”
Nigeria – The roots of a conflict with social and religious ramifications...
In Egypt, Coptic MP fights for the rights of Christians
DR. EMAD GAD is a Member of the Egyptian House of Representatives and a professor of political science at Cairo University. A member of...
Ukraine: “The Church is the advocate of the people”
Ukraine is a country in the crosshairs: in the eastern part of the country, the conflict with Russia escalated into...
MADAGASCAR : lslamisation on the march
Madagascar is currently going through a grave political crisis, a few months ahead of the presidential elections. Christians have been...