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“We don’t encourage migration”
Cardinal Berhaneyesus Demerew Souraphiel, Head of Ethiopian Bishops Conference and Archbishop of Addis Ababa recently visited the Pontifical Foundation Aid...
Burkina Faso: A fragile oasis of peace between Mali and Niger
An interview with Bishop Raphaël Dabiré, President of the Episcopal Commission for the Clergy and Bishop of the diocese of...
CAMEROON: It is time to act to avoid a civil war
Cameroon is in the midst of a political and social conflict between the English and French-speaking areas. What was a...
Video: Ashiq Masih, husband of Asia Bibi, gave an interview to ACN
Ashiq Masih, husband of Asia Bibi, and Eisham Ashiq, the oldest daughter of the couple, gave an interview to ACN....
CAR - Iza volunteer work with pygmies community
Izabela Cywa is the director of Bagandu Hospital in the Central African Republic and reports the worrying situation in the...
“The daily search for food has become a Via Dolorosa”
According to the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) and other international organisations, more than two million people have...