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Cameroon: “The truth we speak is not welcome in this fratricidal conflict.”
At present the Anglophone areas of Cameroon are being constantly shaken by a conflict between Anglophone separatist groups and the...
Mons. Kaigama: “If the elections are marred by violence many innocent Nigerians will pay the prize”
“ACN can mobilize their world net-work of friends, benefactors and supporters to commit Nigeria to special prayers at this critical...
The church in Pakistan places its hope in educating the Christian minority and ensuring it has access to the educational system
Joseph Arshad, archbishop of Islamabad-Rawalpindi and president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Pakistan, discussed the situation of the Catholic...
The Pope starts on Sunday a historic journey to the United Arab Emirates
Bishop Paul Hinder is Apostolic Vicar for southern Arabia. As such, the Swiss Capuchin monk will host the pope when...
Nicaragua: There is no way out of the current crisis without the involvement of the church
Marco Mencaglia, head of the Latin America section of Aid to the Church in Need, visited Nicaragua in November. The...
Pakistan: “The blasphemy law destroys lives”
Dominican Father James Channan has been working to establish a dialogue between Christians and Muslims for years – in a...