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Burkina Faso
As the country continues to sink little by little into the turmoil of terrorist violence, the Sisters of the Immaculate...
The political and economic crisis is related to the migratory wave of neighboring countries Lebanon is one of the 40...
In a country where the birth rate has fallen to a critical point, Ukrainians need more than ever to re-discover...
Governments can benefit from the experience of the local Church to provide assistance more effectively
EU Ambassador announces new European Union initiative aimed at reducing religious ignorance or “illiteracy” worldwide Cardinal Parolin: Governments should...
In Pakistan, education holds the key for Christian advancement in society
BISHOP SAMSON SHUKARDIN, OFM, heads the Diocese of Hyderabad, one of Pakistan’s seven dioceses. It is home to 60,000 Christians,...
Amazon synod: “The indigenous peoples have had God with them for a long time”
The Synod for Amazonia will be taking place from 6 to 27 October at the Vatican. It is a synod...