Construction projects tend to be among the most technical and complex in nature. Here we offer a checklist of information needed. The list does not pretend to be exhaustive, nor is every point necessarily applicable in every single case.
- Check List for a construction project
Assurance that the Church owns the land on which the church (or other church building) is to be built. In Eastern Europe we need a copy of deed of ownership. - Copy of building permit.
- Copy of construction plans (floor plan, elevation and cross section) showing exact size and style of the planned building. Do not send technical, structural or services engineer’s drawings.
- Formal cost estimate of the construction in local currency expanded to show not just the total cost but also the cost of main components, e.g. material and labour, foundations, walls, roofing etc.*
- Financial plan showing sources of funding to cover the formal cost estimate. This includes local contribution, other local and foreign sources, expected contribution from ACN.*
- Specify all charities that have been solicited for funding and their response.
- The current state of the construction. If underway, please describe work done to date, send an up-to-date photo, and specify how much money has been invested thus far and how much is still needed.
- Letter of approval of local bishop.
- Basic application form.
- Your project application/argumentation.