Launch of the Religious Freedom Report around the world

Around the world, people joined ACN’s campaign for religious freedom. From Chile to Australia – through Brazil, Mexico, USA, Canada, Portugal, Spain, France, Ireland, UK, Belgium, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, Malta, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Philippines – cathedrals, churches, schools, colleges, universities, public buildings were illuminated red in memory of the blood of the martyrs shed because of religious persecution. People made a stand for faith and freedom, wearing red, praying and taking a moment of the day to reflect on the sad situation of lack of religious freedom in many countries of the world. #ReligiousPersecution #ReligiousFreedom

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It is with immense gratitude that Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) informs about the release from Russian...
When terrorists overran the town of Mocímboa da Praia, most of the population, including Christians, fled. Now, the...
In Batey 5, a peripheral area of the Diocese of Barahona on the border with Haiti, three missionaries,...