In Memoriam of Dr Emad Yaqoub Qeryaqos

ACN is sad to announce the passing away of Dr Emad Yaqoub Qeryaqos on Sunday 31th January in Lebanon at the age of 55, after long serious illness. Dr Emad, from Bartella, Iraq, worked closely with ACN as a member of the Nineveh Reconstruction Committee for the Syriac Orthodox Church and for the Christians of Iraq. Through his commitment and hard work, over 1500 families were able to return home to Bartella.

Dr Emad Yaqoub Qeryaqos.
Dr Emad Yaqoub Qeryaqos.

Dr Emad was also a lecturer and the head of the cultural relations department at the technical institute of Mosul. His endeavours highlight his dedication to serving others.  He was a deacon and combined his great professional achievements with a great dedication for the pastoral formation of Christians in his diocese of San Mathias. He leaves behind wife and three children. Please keep him and his family in your prayers. May he rest in peace.

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