Egypt: Pastoral summer activities for children and young people in Alexandria

These 290 children and young people have long been looking forward to the summer. For during the months from June to September the Coptic Catholic eparchy (diocese) of Alexandria organises a variant and interesting summer programme of activities in the parish church of El-Khsou for young people of all ages – from primary school to university age – in which those participating can deepen their understanding of their faith, gain a better knowledge of the holy Scriptures, enjoy the sense of companionship with others of their own age and generally experience what it means to be a part of the universal Catholic Church, whose members normally have to see themselves as a tiny minority within Egyptian society.

Egypt, Pastoral summer activities for children and young people in Alexandria.
Egypt, Pastoral summer activities for children and young people in Alexandria.

The pictures from last year‘s events show just how much joy these young people gained from them. Sadly, though, this year the coronavirus pandemic has forced the cancellation of all the plans. Nonetheless, the organisers have come up with some resourceful and inventive ideas so that they will not have to miss out entirely on the programme. So now most of the activities will take place online.

ACN is supporting the summer programme of the diocese with 4500 Euros.

Code: 143-00-49

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