Central African Republic: ACN response program to the COVID-19

Since the end of 2012, the Central African Republic (CAR) has been sinking into turmoil and violence as a result of the civil war. Thousands have already fallen victim to the war and almost one million are internally
displaced or seek protection in neighbouring countries. But priests and sisters are resolutely holding up, providing pastoral care to the people and working tirelessly for the reconstruction of the country. ACN
mainly supports the Church in CAR with emergency aid and the formation of priests. (Annual Report 2019)

The signs of God benevolence:
The 26.02.2020, Mgr. Dennis Kofia Agbenyadzi, Bishop of the Diocesi of Berberati in Central African Republic, writes to ACN sharing the reality of his local Church. The Pastoral Care of the Diocese of Berberati is carried out by the native and missionary priests. There are 34 priests.

The Diocese has 19 parishes; each parish has its own priest and a number of villages. The priests are assisted by the catechists for evangelization. They prepare for the Sacraments of Christian initiation. From 2013 to 2019 we had 12 new young diocesan priests. This year the dioceses will have 2 more newly ordained priests, which make 36 diocesan priests. The Bishop says that these are signs of God’s benevolence and the growth of the Diocese.
Since the Diocese of Berberati is located in the equatorial forest, most of the parishes are very rural. The roads are in a deplorable state and accessibility is poor, especially during the rainy season (between April and
November). The pastoral activities focus on the strengthening of Christian formation, the family apostolate – which is a sanctuary and a cell of life, says Mgr. Agbenyadzi.

Central African Republic: ACN response program to the COVID-19.
Central African Republic: ACN response program to the COVID-19.

They also support the formation of catechists and other pastoral workers and formation sessions on evangelical non-violence, inter-community dialogue and reconciliation. In spite of the pastoral difficulties and precarious situations in which the priests live, the Bishop gives thanks to the Lord for their courage and joy in proclaiming the Gospel. The Church of Berberati is asking ACN’s help to support their priests: „I thank you for your prayers, and we are sure that you will support us in the celebration of the Eucharist in solidarity with us in the recent painful and unfortunate events that our dear country, the Central African Republic, is going through. It is our daily prayer that all the parties involved in this massive and ongoing
conflict of violence, favouring peace talks, support the peace process through physical and moral disarmament, and the protection of the dignity of all human beings without discrimination of race, sex and
religion, and finally promote the common good. May the Lord bless you and the benefactors who support you.“ Mgr. Dennis Kofi Agbenyadzi

United in prayers during Covid 19
« I would like to thank you sincerely for your closeness to the challenges of the Church, especially in mission lands. Thank you for informing of the change in trainers session planned for June 2020. As is often said, to
the impossible no one can do anything. However, may Christian hope make the light of the Risen One shine in this tumultuous moment of human history.” Mgr. Dennis Kofi Agbenyadzi

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