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acn news_Shining a light on Christian persecution and violations against religious freedom
En noviembre, cientos de catedrales, iglesias, monumentos y edificios de todo el mundo se iluminarán de rojo...
acn news_India_Anti-conversion law foments anti-Christian violence
El informe ”Cristianos atacados en la India”, recopilado por varias ONG cristianas, da cuenta de 300...
acn news_Taliban rule in Afghanistan poses a threat to Pakistan Christians
Muchos pakistaníes celebran el fin de la presencia militar de Estados Unidos en Afganistán, mientras que otros ...
acn news_lebanon_Christians will be extinct if West does nothing
A Middle Eastern Patriarch says that if the West fails to help the Christians in Lebanon the community could soon be extinct...
acn news_DRC_After a wave of attacks, Bishop denounces persecution of the Church
En el marco del 25° aniversario del asesinato de Mons. Christophe Munzihirwa Mwene Ngabo, arzobispo de Bukavu ...
acn news_one million children praying the rosary
Over one hundred thousand children have already enrolled in this year’s “A million children praying the Rosary” ...