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acn_syria_we are living through the worst period in our history
The escalation of international conflicts, the Covid-19 pandemic, lack of employment and exorbitant price rises, the isolation of the Syrian...
Russia_children hospice
Desde hace 17 años, ACN viene apoyando el primer hospicio infantil ruso, fundado en 2003 por el sacerdote ortodoxo Aleksandr...
acn_chile_Arson and vandalism the continuing tragedy of two iconic churches in Santiago
The embers are still smouldering, and you can smell the smoke of burning in the centrally situated church of the...
El paradero de la religiosa colombiana Gloria Narváez sigue siendo incierto  El sacerdote italiano Pier Luigi Maccalli, de la Sociedad...
acn_day victms of violence 06
“We cannot close our eyes to this reality,” states ACN Executive President Heine-Geldern Following an unprecedented increase of violence against...
acn_venezuela_Carmelite Sisters
“Dios no nos abandona en la oscuridad. Solo cuando nosotros Lo abandonamos, perecemos” . De estas sabias palabras de la...