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Central African Republic
La población está cansada de las tramas políticas, los conflictos y las divisiones. Gérard Ouambou es un periodista y productor...
Nigeria_St. Rita
Entrevista con Ján Figel’, ex enviado especial de UE para la libertad religiosa ACN, Josué Villalón.- El pasado sábado 22...
acn_belarus_writing a new page in its history
Entrevista a Magda Kaczmarek, directora de proyectos para Bielorrusia (Belarús según la ONU) en la Fundación internacional Aid to the...
acn_myanmar_building peace and justice
Religions for Peace issued an appeal signed by Religious Leaders of Myanmar in connection with the elections scheduled for November....
acn_lebanon_Christians can count on help from ACN
The charity is funding food parcels for survivors of the explosion in Beirut The international Catholic pastoral charity and...
acn_africa_60 years of independence_the catholic challenge
1960 has sometimes been called the Year of Africa, since in that year 17 African countries gained their independence from...